Here’s what you need to know: Go to bed early. That’s what they say. Get up early. Go to bed early. Apparently it’s the best. I haven’t tried it. I go to bed late, and get up early. It’s not great, but it gets some of the jobs done, for now. Science says ‘Don’t do that.’
What does science know about getting the job done?
All they can do is get all self righteous about being right all the time, and then make inventions that end the world.
Fatigue put in perspective
I may be tired when my kid starts yelling at me to get up in the morning, but at least I didn’t make an invention that ended the world today.
You may not feel all that positive today. It might not be your best day. But so long as you didn’t invent something that ends the world as we know it, and ruins the lives of billions of animals, plants and people, you can’t feel that bad about things.
You might be tired. You might need to get more sleep. You may not think you really did much today. But so long as you didn’t fake a hate crime in order to advance an authoritarian agenda, you can’t feel too bad about things.
You just need to know how to frame things properly.
That’s all!
Important: Make a to do list
If you want to succeed in life, you need to make yourself a to do list. Do it every night before you go do sleep. Then it’s fresh in your mind, and you wake up with purpose. Put these things on it:
- Get more sleep.
- Don’t invent anything that could end the world.
- Don’t fake a hate crime to fan the flames of outrage seekers, click baiters, and authoritarian fanatics.
Have a great day!
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